PEMFs are relatively new in trend, but they've been around for a while. Some studies say they might help relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis along with other diseases. It's hard to tell what really works; it depends on the type of disorder and the person receiving the treatment.
Different types of PEMFs are given to patients. One thing we're sure of is that PEMF therapy isn't for everyone. If you plan on using PEMF therapy as a treatment option, it's important to do your research. It's also beneficial to understand the PEMF therapy side effects that may occur.
This is an extensive list of side effects that should help you decide whether you want to use PEMF therapy.
1. It Can Cause Dizziness
An early report of the therapy identified dizziness as a common side effect. The feeling can be described as lightheadedness, the sensation that your surroundings are moving or spinning or falling as you stand still. It occurs in about 15% of people and is typically mild.
In most cases, no treatment is needed because it goes away on its own over time when your body adjusts to the therapy's devices and settings. This can take a few days to several weeks, depending on how often you use PEMF therapy and how severe your dizziness is.
Severe dizziness that doesn't improve over time should be evaluated by a doctor to make sure there isn't something else going on in your brain or nervous system that needs attention first before using PEMF therapy again.
For example: Even though dizziness isn't serious for most people using PEMF therapy, it can put you at risk for serious injury if it happens while you are driving or operating heavy machineries like a forklift or tractor because you may not be able to react quickly enough if something unexpected comes up suddenly (like another vehicle suddenly pulling into the lane in front of you).
2. It Can Lead to Pains and Aches
As you probably know, when you use PEMF machines, the magnetic fields act on the cells in your body. It is helpful for sports and muscle recovery. However, this causes a reaction inside your body based on how powerful the magnetic field is.
This reaction increases blood flow and can cause pain in your muscles from slight to severe. This pain would be like that of exercise.
As long as someone using a PEMF device doesn't have any serious health conditions, there should be no worries about any kind of permanent damage or serious side effects such as seizures or anything similar.
3. It Can Cause Nausea and Vomiting
It is possible that you may feel some nausea and/or vomiting after using your PEMF device. This is common in people who are susceptible to motion sickness. It can also be worse if you tend to use the device right after eating, especially during a big meal.
It will help greatly if you learn the best time to use it for you so that you reduce or eliminate this side effect. If this problem persists, try using the PEMF on a lower frequency until your body adjusts to it.
4. It Can Cause Soreness
Some people who use PEMF therapy experience muscle soreness after a session. This is especially common if you are new to this type of treatment and are not used to it yet.
If you find that the treatment is causing your muscles to become more sore than normal, consider taking fewer treatments per day or using a lower intensity setting on the device.
Make sure that you stay hydrated during and after a PEMF therapy session, as dehydration can make any soreness feel worse than necessary.
5. It Causes Insomnia
We know that PEMF therapy is used to treat sleep disorders. However, an unwanted side effect of PEMF therapy is the inability to fall or stay asleep once you're in bed. It happens mostly when using the therapy before going to bed, which isn't recommended at all.
You might also wake up too early and feel fatigued or irritable throughout the day. Some people have reported a worsening of pre-existing insomnia when they first start using PEMF therapy.
6. You May Feel Unusual Skin Sensation
One of the most common side effects of PEMF therapy is skin tingling or an unusual sensation. This is not a cause for concern and is most often due to nerve stimulation.
If this sensation becomes uncomfortable, try a lower intensity level, as it may just be too powerful for your nervous system to handle at that time. If the skin tingling and unusual sensations persist, consult a physician before continuing with PEMF therapy sessions.
7. It Can Cause Migraine Headache
Headaches are a common side effect of PEMF therapy, especially in the early days of your treatment. Don't let this stop you from using your PEMF device! Generally, headaches are a sign that your body is healing and working on eliminating toxins.
If you get headaches during or after a session, it might be best to try some gentle breathing exercises to move your focus away from the pain.
Our favorite way to do this is by counting our inhales and exhales: On the inhale, imagine you're drawing in light and energy, and on the exhale, imagine things like tension or stress melting away with each breath. No matter what works for you—whether it's focusing on a mantra or just listening to music—don't give up!
8. It Can Cause Low Blood Pressure
PEMF therapy can reduce blood pressure, which could cause dizziness, fainting, and falls. These side effects are not necessarily dangerous, but you should be careful about them if you have a history of being prone to these symptoms.
If you are concerned about the potential for reduced blood pressure, it is best to speak with your doctor before undergoing any PEMF therapy sessions. Your doctor may be able to provide advice on how best to avoid these symptoms while still receiving the benefits of PEMF therapy.
Addition Information on PEMF Therapy Side Effects

Side effects of PEMF therapy are mostly minor and mild. The skin is particularly vulnerable to side effects, both in terms of symptoms and allergic reactions. The most common side effect is a skin rash which can cause itching, redness, and swelling. The irritation can be treated with a topical steroid cream, but it will eventually clear up on its own as you continue using the device.
Although the side effects are insignificant, you still need to be aware of them before undergoing PEMF therapy. The minor side effects include headache, slight nausea, and dizziness. These are usually caused by the sudden increase in the body's energy levels due to PEMF therapy.
However, these side effects can be lessened or alleviated by following these tips:
- Drink more water. Water is essential in flushing out toxins in the body to avoid soreness of muscles or headaches after PEMF therapy sessions.
- Get more sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to feeling groggy and dizzy during PEMF sessions, so it's best for you to get some rest beforehand.
- Take a break from your PEMF sessions if needed. If you think that your body needs more time resting from the previous session, do not force yourself to undergo another one until you feel better because this can make you feel worse afterward.
Conclusion on PEMF Therapy Side Effects
If you're interested in pursuing PEMF therapy, you should first be aware of the potential PEMF therapy side effects. Just as any treatment may have some risks, PEMF therapy also carries some potential side effects that you should know about before proceeding.
Nonetheless, the positive benefits of PEMF therapy far outweigh any of these negative effects. And if you're worried about experiencing side effects from a portable device, remember that there are many alternative forms of PEMF therapy available to try before deciding. You just find something perfect for your needs!